Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, PhD
Dr. L-R has over 30 years as a Clinical Psychologist and has amassed 200 peer-reviewed publications in her role as a scientist and academic. The majority of these publications focus on her longstanding interests in relationship and family violence (e.g., stalking, sexual assault, physical abuse, and the intergenerational transmission of relationship behaviors), and young adult engagement in risky, unhealthy, suicidal, and/or life-diminishing behaviors. Dr. L-R has been involved in the National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative; in this capacity, she has been conducting applied research with police departments, schools, and non-profit organizations. Please check out her recent edited book "Sexual assaults kits and reforming the response to rape" by Routledge (2022). Much of her recent research is community-based, focused on under-served and disadvantaged populations, and occurs while integrating mental and behavioral healthcare into primary care and other community settings. In particular, implementing, evaluating, and educating others to provide evidence-based, peace-promoting, and resiliency-enhancing interventions is a priority for Dr. L-R. She manages the THRIVE lab which consists of three arms (THRIVE- Health, THRIVE post sexual assault/violence; and THRIVE in Relationships).
APA Post-Doc Stony Brook
APA Internship Palo Alto VA and Stanford Medical Center
Ph.D. University of Oregon 1990 Clinical Psychology
M.S. University of Oregon 1986 Clinical Psychology
Sc.B. Brown University 1984 Psychology
Dr. L-R served as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from 1993-1998. She then served as an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of South Alabama from 1998-2001. In 2001, Dr. L-R became Full Professor and served at South Alabama until 2019. From 2012 to 2019, Dr. L-R was the Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Behavioral Health and Resiliency Center. Dr. L-R joined the Health Psychology Faculty at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the Fall of 2019. She is a Full Professor in the Department of Psychological Science. She is currently serving as the Director of the BeHealthier Clinic, located within the Department.