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Image by David Vig

Welcome to the THRIVE Lab!

THRIVE stands for Trauma, Healing, and Resiliency In Violence-free Environments.


The THRIVE Lab operates under Dr. Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling in the Health Psychology Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.


Our lab's research has three main focuses:

Marble Surface
Doctor's Visit

Thriving in Healthcare


Current projects include testing the BITTEN model (Lewis et al., 2019) of past institutional betrayal on health needs and expectations. We are also examining behavioral health integration efforts in WIC and primary care clinics.

Image by Melanie Wasser

Thriving after Sexual Assault


We work with police departments, campus resources, and the Title IX office to facilitate effective, trauma-informed prevention and response practices to sexual assault, harassment, and dating violence. We are also part of the National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative

Image by Dương Hữu




Our relationship team is most recently exploring predictors of social media surveillance and online unwanted pursuit behaviors following the dissolution of a romantic relationship. We also consider the relationship dynamics associated with infidelity, dating violence, and the pandemic. 

Dr. L-R and some of our most recent graduates!

The lab in action!

Molly Kaleskas (above) and Mia Ersoff (below)

Poster session during ABCT 2023

From left to right:

Daniel Dickie

 Bridget Jules

 Alexa Sotiroff

Dr. L-R

Grace Schroeder

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